Hope Lina Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hope Lina)


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MMSA story - 'Dr. Caner - Part 4 - Dr. Caner introduces Figging ...

I hope Lina will choose the right 'Figging plug' to suit the recipients”, said Dr. Caner. Tina opened a closed tray she had brought with her.

SPP, WP offered NCMP seats | SingaporeScene - Yahoo!

I hope Lina Chiam will decline the NCMP offer. She seems like a kind hearted lady but we need someone who can articulate issues in Parliament esp if you are representing

We are hurting Lina's feelings :( in A Quiver Full of Snark Forum

Anyway, I hope Lina's enjoying her weekend with him. This is the first time they've ever met in real life right? What if she shows up pregnant in a couple months
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