Hormoz Shariat und Christian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hormoz Shariat)
(1 - 32 von 35

California Based International Antioch Ministries Receives Death...

Dr. Hormoz Shariat, president of IAM and senior pastor of The Iranian Christian Church said, “Our broadcasts are a benefit to the people of Iran.

Faith Radio

... Religious Broadcasters Christian Media Convention in Nashville, the Founder and President of Iran Alive Ministries, Hormoz Shariat, shared ...

"Billy Graham of Iran" Expands Christian TV Network in Muslim World

But instead of taking revenge, Dr. Hormoz Shariat decided to share the Gospel with Muslims and love them into the Kingdom of God. (Photo via ...

Iran Will Become a 'Christian Country,' Says Evangelical Pastor - The...

An Iranian evangelical pastor has stated that eventually the Islamic Republic of Iran will become a