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Guardian: More A-level students will need A* to get into top universities

[The Guardian] - Private schools that select on academic ability are able to "hot-house" teenagers so they are more likely to achieve the grade, while comprehensive schools – Hot House of IT Talent Heads for Muscat on 22 to 23 March 2011
[Online PR News (press release)] - A college at the centre of information technology development in the Middle East (MECIT) has invited a thrilling array of guests and presenters to its first

Growing tasty tropical plants
[OCRegister] sugarcane and coffee, and you have a cozy spot such as a greenhouse or hot house handy, you can have all kinds of fun with these novelty plants.

Obama 1, Palin 0. And Yet....
[TIME (blog)] governor when the frame, as she portrays it, is Palin versus the media and liberal partisans (a redundancy in the conservative hot house, of course).
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