Name-Verzeichnis - Name / Person-Info zu "Hueber"

Infos zu "Hueber"

Zu Hueber gibt es bei Yasni 346 unterschiedliche Namen. Die häufigsten Vornamen zu Hueber sind: Sabine, Arno, Josef

Hueber ist in der Rangreihe der häufigsten Nachnamen bei Yasni auf Platz 2082.

Bedeutung von "Hueber"

HUEBER, interpretation of the name HUEBER : Origin from the helvetic word "huobe". According to an interpretation which the undersigned obtained years ago : Three names, common today, have common explanations : Once the enormous parcels of land had to be handed out and/or loaned to individual users , we find three sizes : The biggest ones , say ten to twenty hectares ( twenty to fifty acres ) got to a "Mayor" farmer resp. land user : This would/might/could explain the names : " Mayer " , " Maier " , " Meyer " , " Meier " . The smallest block of land , a "Schuop- pi " , being only two to five acres , got to a farmer with two to four head of cattle , finally named " Schuoppisser " , a name still occurring today in the swiss-alemannic part of Helvetia , Switzerland. The size of blocks between the big and the small ones, of the size four to six acres ( named " Morgen " ) and named "HUOBE" , got to a far- mer named " Huober " . In southern Germany there is - at least untill some years ago -a biscuit manufacturer named "HUOBER", which proves the point. Further , until our time , in swiss german , the name "HUBER" is still pronounced, the swiss-aleman- nic way : Hu-aber, Hu-ober, nobody pronounces the very name , sounding like : ' Houber " : That is more like the pronounciation in more northern parts of Germany. Yoshi YUBA , PS " Gold-from Fiji to Cindy's letter " , ebook on

(Eingesendet von Yoshi YUBA. author)

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