Human Hell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Human Hell)


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Gwar Celebrate 25 Years On Earth Because Humans Think It's Important
[ChartAttack] - Since we've been thawed amongst the human race, we understand it's a pretty big deal for the humans. So what the hell? We're going to celebrate in fine

We can never allow ourselves to forget the horrors of war
[Guelph Mercury] - “War is hell,” writes Buddhist philosopher and educator Daisaku Ikeda in the opening sentence of his book The Human Revolution.

Human Hell Lyrics Harter Attack ※
Human Hell death and destruction a burning human hell fire and hetred in this society we dwell blackened are the hearts in the world of doom a product of the h

Guardian: Poem of the week: The Language School | Books | The Guardian

Carol Rumens: Tim Liardet's muscular, painterly verse gives a voice to a young offender alienated by authority
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