Hussein Hossam Tawfik Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hussein Hossam Tawfik)


(1 - 4 von 9
) NASSER : Allah und Djuallah - DER SPIEGEL

- Mitte Juli verhaftete die Geheimpolizei eine Attentäter-Gruppe unter Führung des Scharfschützen Hussein Tawfik, ...

(U) Biography: Hossam Tawfik
Biography of Biography: Hossam Tawfik with information such as organization, education, spouse, children, hobbies

USDA restricts four PACA violators in California
— As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Hussein Tawfik was listed as the officer, director and major stockholder of the business. › print › pdf › node

Future Library ::: Unconference Issue2
Rasha Hussein Tawfik | Head of IT Department at ESCD (Egypt's society for culture and development) | Title: We made it! Public libraries as a learning space | ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Hussein Hossam Tawfik
Vorname "Hossam" (260)
Name "Tawfik" (336)
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