Iain Percy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Iain Percy)


(1 - 4 von 75

Spiegel.de: America's Cup: Artemis segelt erstmals nach Tod von Andrew Simpson -...

Das Gedenken an Andrew Simpson segelt mit. Nach dem tragischen Unfalltod des Skippers nimmt die Artemis-Crew verspätet das Rennen um den America's Cup auf....

Iain Percy: Striving for the America's Cup victory - CNN Video

Artemis Racing Team manager and tactician Iain Percy gives CNN's Mainsail an insight into what goes into ...

Iain Percy and Andrew Simpson on course for podium finish | The Times

It's all about timing, right? And the news from Hyeres, on the Med, would suggest that Iain Percy and Andrew Simpson, in the Star, may have got ...

Tragic sailing accident forces skipper Iain Percy to dig deeper – The...

Artemis Racing pushes forward despite the death of crewman Andrew 'Bart' Simpson
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