Ibrahim Hindi Abdi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ibrahim Hindi Abdi)


(1 - 4 von 25

Taz: Expertin für den Frieden - taz.de

VERMITTLUNG Dekha Abdi hat Konflikte in Kenia befriedet. Dem Klimawandel will sie ähnlich beikommen

Dekha Ibrahim Abdi | The Times

Dekha Ibrahim Abdi was a Kenyan peace activist who not only helped to bring together the highly fractured North Eastern province of Kenya ...

Abdi İbrahim Haberleri | Abdi İbrahim Haber - Haberler - Sayfa 5

Abdi İbrahim haberleri, son dakika abdi ibrahim haber ve gelişmeleri burada. Dünya Parkinson Günü.

Dekha Ibrahim Abdi | The Independent

Dekha Ibrahim Abdi, who died on 14 July aged 47 following a car crash in Nairobi, was a peace activist who worked as a consultant to governments and civil...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ibrahim Hindi Abdi
Vorname "Hindi" (46)
Name "Abdi" (1578)
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