Ice Rink und Hockey Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ice Rink)
(1 - 32 von 83
) Eishockey in Abu Dhabi: Im größten Kühlschrank der Emirate

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Reise] - Ausflug zum coolsten Ort der Emirate: Auch bei Außentemperaturen über 40 Grad Celsius flitzen in Abu Dhabi die Eishockeyspieler durchs Stadion. Erst vor drei Jahren hat Ali Kaddas al-Romaithi die Liga gegründet - doch Profispieler aus aller Welt machen die Matches hochspannend. 

Backyard ice rink must come down, Pennsylvania town decides | Fox News
A Pennsylvania family thought building a hockey rink in the backyard was the solution for keeping the kids active during the winter -- until town officials...

Toms River police say hockey, not hate crime, was behind ice rink...
Police said what some people at the ice rink believed to be a hate crime was, in fact, an unruly hockey fan.

'Pretty big surprise': Vancouver dad builds rare backyard rink for...
Darcy Downs grew up in Ontario and didn't know if his son would ever get to play backyard hockey.