Ines Delic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ines Delic)


SEDP - Business Incubator :: bookmee wins the second Startup Weekend...
The winning team is bookmee, a service that allows users to find a salon, gym or hotel on a map and book a reservation through the web application.The bookmee team is made of our Strahinja Krstic, Igor Ciric, Eleonora Sergijevic, Ines Delic and John Hristic from our startup companies WEB LAB and Omnis Design Studio.

RegioPlan Consulting: RegioPlan Consulting erhält CEE Retail Award
Die Wiener Unternehmens- und Standortberatung RegioPlan Consulting wurde mit dem Branchenpreis CEE Retail Award ausgezeichnet.

RegioPlan® Retail Symposium | RegioPlan Con... | Qwoted
RegioPlan Consulting hosts RegioPlan® Retail Symposium on 26 Apr :00am EDT. Location: Schloss Schönbrunn - Orangery, Schönbrunner ...

Zone 101: Bericht vom Roten Teppich |
Das steirische Internetportal für Architektur und Lebensraum
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Vorname "Ines" (18764)
Name "Delic" (450)
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