Ingo Runkel und Field Theories Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ingo Runkel)
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Ingo Runkel, "Non-semisimple TQFT and manifold invariants"Banff International Research Station
— Ingo Runkel speaking at BIRS workshop, Quantum Field Theories and Quantum Topology Beyond Semisimplicity, on Thursday, November 4, ...

Spin from defects in two-dimensional field theoryErwin Schrödinger Institute
Ingo Runkel (U Hamburg). Abstract: Studying defects in quantum field theories has many interesting applications. I will consider two dimensional topological ...

The Mathematics of Conformal Field Theory - AMSI
Professor Ingo Runkel (University of Hamburg) Professor Runkel is an expert on category-theoretic aspects of conformal field theories and integrable models.