Ingo Runkel und Topological Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ingo Runkel)
(1 - 26 von 29

Topological field theory and higher categoriesFriedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Topological field theory and higher categories – Vortragender: Ingo Runkel, Universität Hamburg – Einladende: C. Meusburger.

Topological defects and generalised orbifoldsUniversität Wien
— Ingo Runkel (Hamburg): Topological defects and generalised orbifolds ... Topological defects in quantum field theory can be understood as a ... › Fakultät für Physik › Events

Ingo Runkel (Hamburg): Topological defects and generalised orbifolds
Dienstag, 16. November :00 Zoom Meeting: ?pwd=czNhTjh2ZFNTbzRnN1Z3aG9CdnBmQT09 ID riunione:

Spin from defects in two-dimensional field theoryErwin Schrödinger Institute
Ingo Runkel (U Hamburg). Abstract: Studying defects in quantum field theories has many interesting applications. I will consider two dimensional topological ...