Ingrid Stevens Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ingrid Stevens)


Leo Stevens bouwt vermogensbeheer uit | Gazet van Antwerpen
De beursvennootschap Leo Stevens & Cie wil haar afdeling vermogensbeheer sterker uitbouwen. Ze kocht daartoe een pand in de nabijheid van het Museum voor...

Protesters’ bid to ‘stay stronger’
“LEAVE Europe? It would ruin my life!” Those are the words of Ingrid Stevens, from Germany, who was in Stratford-upon-Avon on Saturday to be with...

Soziales Cloppenburg: Familienpaten helfen in Notsituationen
Es kann vorkommen, dass Familien in Notsituationen geraten und Unterstützung benötigen. Für solche Fälle gibt es das Projekt

Tribal Health Consortium wants to remove stigma behind talking about...
Suicide can be a difficult topic to talk about, particularly in a state that is often ranked at the top of the list for deaths by suicide. We recently…
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