Innovative Productions und Theatre Person-Info 

( Ich bin Innovative Productions)
(1 - 28 von 32

Guardian: It’s time to break the national monopoly on Shakespeare | Theatre |...

Innovative productions such as Vishal Bhardwaj’s Haider prove that Britain isn’t the best at the Bard, says Preti Taneja

Living Newspaper - Coast to Coast: The Federal Theatre Project,...
Exhibition items about Living Newspaper performances in the Federal Theatre Project, including a photograph of the One Living Nation performance

Great British repertory tradition 'at risk': John Arlidge visits...
ONE OF the theatres believed to have been targeted by the Arts Council could be forced to close if it loses its grant, staff warned yesterday.

Theatre innovation at the 100° Berlin Festival
Creative and innovative productions have made the 100° Berlin Festival one of the most exciting events of independent theatre.