Irene Egyir Person-Info 

( Ich bin Irene Egyir)


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Prof Irene Egyir - The Vaultz News
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AGRA Launches FOSCA Project, Amidst Fears Of Food Insecurity In...
On her part, Mrs. Irene Egyir, Senior Lecturer in the College of Agriculture, University of Ghana and the CEO of an NGO called Multi Features ...

Agroecology in Africa: Opportunities, Constraints, Prospects ...
Panelists include: Irene Egyir, an associate professor in the University of Ghana's Agricultural Economics Department; Nassib Mugwanya, ... › ...

Financial education for rural women advocated - BusinessGhana
A lecturer at the University of Ghana, Legon, has called for effective education on pre-credit and post-credit activities for women in the rural...
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