Irina Kasatkina Person-Info 

( Ich bin Irina Kasatkina)


19thC Silver Coin Diameter Tolerance - Russian Coin Forums -...
Thanks! In which book was this article published? Essays on numismatics by V V Uzdenikov, Moscow 2000, published by Irina Kasatkina :ninja:.

Members Celebrate 120th Anniversary of Church in Russia with Concert,...
Members throughout Russia have celebrated the 120th anniversary of the Church in Russia with events and service projects. Musicians and vocalists performed in...

NCCA - Kaliningrad. “Art in an open space” competition results
Special prizes were given to the following participants: Anatoly Izotov, Manya Sol, Danil Akimov, Yulia Abramova, Dmitry Malkov, Irina Kasatkina, Elina Vandysheva, Alexander Dubrovsky, Aleksey Trotsak. The official award ceremony was held on August 15th in the office of KB NCCA. To learn more ...
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