Irish Roots und President Person-Info 

( Ich bin Irish Roots)
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Family affair as Joe Biden finds his Irish roots -...
US vice-president Joe Biden has paid tribute to the loyalty of his family in Ireland after visiting his ancestral home and meeting his long-lost cousins.

Vicar, Web site throws light on Obama's Irish heritage | Reuters
Documents unearthed by an Irish vicar show ancestors of Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama may have arrived in the United States from a tiny...

Joe Biden's Irish roots explained: How the President traced his › ... › Joe Biden
The veteran Democrat never tires of talking up his connection to the Emerald Isle – here's what we know about his Irish roots.

Joe Biden: US Vice President returns to his Irish roots - BBC News
Ahead of a visit to the land of his forefathers, Joe Biden says his Irish heritage has shaped his entire life.
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Markus Bäuchle
Vorname "Irish" (192)
Name "Roots" (295)