Iron Lung Person-Info 

( Ich bin Iron Lung)


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) Electro-Harmonix Iron Lung ab € 145 (2019) | heise online...

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Woman in failing iron lung turns to internet for help | World | The...
There are many nights when Martha Lillard is plagued by dreams that she cannot breathe. Her heart beats wildly and she wakes up restless.For Ms Lillard, 69, it

North Texan one of 10 still living in iron lung - Washington Times
As a tow-headed 6-year-old, Paul Alexander took apart everything, including his mother's blender, simply to understand how it worked. His father would be close...

Medicine: Iron-Lung Baby - TIME
Pretty, 23-year-old Mrs. Virginia Mathers Matthews, her legs and chest crippled by infantile paralysis, has been kept alive for the last month in an iron lung....
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