Isaac Masih Person-Info 

( Ich bin Isaac Masih)


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LN welcomes 16 new faculty members – North Star
Latham: One animal…cheetah because they're really fast and I like the print, I like their fur. Masih. Isaac Masih (English). North Star: What do you like to do in your free time? Masih: I like to lift weights, exercise, and play basketball. I also like to read and hang out with my family. NS: Why did you come to LN?

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Carmen Carnes. Dwayne Marshal. Marcus Redick. Cassandra Coles. Isaac Masih. Amy Sutton. Kaitlin Fields. Benjamin Moore. Brianna Vinup. Cortnei Freeman.
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Vorname "Isaac" (2445)
Name "Masih" (74)
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