Istvan Winkler Person-Info 

( Ich bin Istvan Winkler)


(1 - 4 von 9
) Musikalische Babys: Neugeborene erkennen Rhythmen

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Wissenschaft] - Angeboren oder erworben? Wissenschaftler haben einen Hinweis darauf gefunden, dass bereits Neugeborene Rhythmen in Musik erfassen können. Sie plädieren dafür, dass das Verständnis für Musik in den Genen liegt. 

Study Suggests Babies Get the Beat at Birth - ABC News
Brain scans show that 2- and 3-day-olds could perceive musical patterns and even take note when a drummer missed a beat, the study in today's Proceedings of...

Newborn babies feel the beat - ABC
"Our results suggest that beat detection does not require voluntary attention," says lead author Istvan Winkler. "We did not test infants when they ...

Along this Trail can be found - Trailblazers
Along this Trail can be found: Our Swedish Visitors: Istvan & Lotta Winkler Istvan Winkler Lotta Winkler
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