Ivan Kakooza und Tourism Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ivan Kakooza)
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HOW KASYATE GOT UTB JOB – mulengeranews.com

They included the incumbent John Sempebwa (now sour raping), PFSU's Ivan Kakooza, Uganda Tourism Association CEO Richard Kawere ...

Tourism News from the Eastern African and Indian Ocean region Fourth...

TOURISM NEWS from the Eastern African and Indian Ocean region Reports, Travel Stories and Opinions By Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Thome Fourth edition October

UWA to host business leaders

According to Ivan Kakooza, acting director for Tourism and Business Services, the business community will have an opportunity to network. “We also want to encourage local tourism that is why we charge Ugandans less. Ugandans pay Shs 5,000, while foreign tourists pay 30 dollars (Shs 60,000) a day,” ...
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