Ivan Landa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ivan Landa)


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ONLINE: Ivan Landa: Dialogue between Marxismand ...

Ivan Landa: Researcher and head of the Department for the Study of Modern Czech Philosophy at the Institute for Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic . Abonnieren. Veranstaltungen (iCal) Neuigkeiten (RSS) Nächste Veranstaltungen „Sundays at Salka`s“ Salka Viertels Salon im amerikanischen Exil in Santa Monica Mo ; Filipe Campelo: …

Ivan Landa

Last update: Ivan Landa. obor: sociologie a sociální politika (BA), FSV UK Praha. Referát: RICOEUR, P. (1971): The model of the text: Meaningful ...

Arbeitskreis ab 2013: WiGiP - Wiener Gesellschaft für ...

Ivan Landa (Czechia): Dialogue between Marxism and Christianity in Prague of 1960s . In my talk, I am going to tackle – historically and systematically – the topic of Marxist-Christian dialogue that was taking place intensively in East Central Europe during 1960s, confining myself solely to the situation in Czechoslovakia. I shall briefly sketch the main themes at stake in the dialogue ...
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