Ivor Gurney Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ivor Gurney)


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Gloucester Cathedral's Ivor Gurney window a WW1 'tribute' - BBC News

A new stained glass window inspired by war poet and composer Ivor Gurney is called a

Guardian: First world war: Ivor Gurney's poem, On Somme | World news | The...

Ivor Gurney's trench poem describing the reality of the darkest day in British military history

Ivor Gurney: tribute to an outstandingly talented poet and composer -...

Admirers of composer Ivor Gurney, who died in 1937, are holding a concert to raise money for a suitable memorial. This is absolutely fitting, says Rupert...

Ivor Gurney: Song of the soldier | The Independent

When the 90th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme is commemorated this year, there will be the chance to remember those who experienced the carnage. The...
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