J. Rother Person-Info 

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Rother sichert das Remis

Tore VSSG: J. Rother 12, Manz, M. Thiele je 4, M. Deppe, Platis je 3, Bunzel, J. Deppe. HSG Rhumetal III - MTV Geismar III 35:30 (18:16).

Two Marine officers reassigned after probe of desert death - UPI...

Two top-ranking officers of the Marine battalion that accidentally left one of its soldiers to die in the 120-degree heat of the Mojave Desert last August...

Clarence J. Rother Obituary | Star Tribune

Rother, Clarence J. Age 88 of Farmington passed away April 14, White Funeral Home Farmington whitefuneralhomes.com

Obituary: Herbert J. Rother ( ) | Marshall Democrat-News

Herbert J. Rother, 74, of Sedalia, died Monday, Oct. 10, 2005, at Bothwell Regional Health Center in Sedalia. Memorial services will be held at ...
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