Jack Leslie Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jack Leslie)


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Spiegel.de: Mohrs Deutschlandgefühl: Oh Schreck, die Deutschen sind sympathisch

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - Es war doch nur ein Spiel. Und doch so viel mehr: Die Weltmeisterschaft hat es uns gezeigt. Wie wir tatsächlich sind. Nicht teutonisch-miesepetrig. Sondern weltoffen, multikulturell, sympathisch. 

Sir Jack Leslie | Register | The Times

Eccentricity assumes many guises but few have had as much charm as Jack Leslie. Successively wartime soldier, heir to one of Ireland's great houses and restorer of ancient buildings, he became in his eighties an avid disco dancer with an entirely individual sense of style and attitude unbowed by age.

U.S. foreign aid works; it's the right thing to do (and it's minimal)...

We've seen the results firsthand. Americans would do well to understand the value of these investments — and oppose the proposed cuts.

Obama admin spent $77M to hype ObamaCare in 2016

Its chairman, Jack Leslie, was picked by Obama in to be chairman of the US African Development Foundation. Leslie donated $1,000 to Obama's re-election campaign and $2,700 in December to Hillary Clinton's failed presidential campaign. Jenkins and Leslie did not provide comment.
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Vorname "Jack" (8217)
Name "Leslie" (297)
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