Jack Slate Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jack Slate)


(1 - 4 von 16

Dead To Rights: Retribution: good dog

Our hero, Jack Slate, is a violent man who enjoys employing his fists to solve problems. I can get behind that. And Retribution's voicework is ...

Dead to Rights: Retribution video game review

Dead to Rights: Retribution is derivative, puerile, silly and some of the most fun you'll have on a console.

Il ritorno di Jack Slate - MondoXbox

Namco ha rilasciato alcune immagini ed informazioni per l'atteso seguto di Dead to Rights: Dead to Rights II: Hell to Pay.

next2games | News: Video: Jack Slate in Action

Bandai Namco veröffentlichte auf der gamescom ein neues Gameplay-Video zu Dead to Rights: Retribution. Zu sehen sind Protagonist Jack Slate und ...
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