Jacqui Harper Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jacqui Harper)


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Winchester | Daily Echo

List of runners

BBC News | NEW YEARS HONOURS | MBE civil (H - M)

Miss Jacqui Harper, For services to the Ethnic community and to Mentoring. (London, W11) James William Edward Harrington, Higher Linguist ...

Mentors prove to be fine guides | Times Higher Education (THE)

It was there that Jacqui Harper, television presenter for Newsroom South-East, first experienced mentoring: "I learnt to take criticism but not take ...

Bobby Duffy - The Perils of Perception – Atlantic Books

... Christine Armstrong, Dan Kieran, Christina Patterson and Jacqui Harper, be at The Future of Work is Human Literary Festival to discuss and debate the very ...
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Person "Harper" (1)
Vorname "Jacqui" (412)
Name "Harper" (1251)
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