Jacqui Herrmann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jacqui Herrmann)


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CWA of NSW offers virtual branch meetings as a way for ...Australian Broadcasting Corporation

— CWA of NSW Virtual Branch vice president Jacqui Herrmann has a long association with the Murrami CWA Branch part of the Murrumbidgee-Lachlan ...

Rod Marshdale and Jacqui Herrmann set for 24-hour swim ...The Border Mail

— SPLASH: Rod Marshdale and Jacqui Herrmann are set for a 24-hour swim-a-thon to raise money for men's mental health. Picture: MARK JESSER.

Bell tolls in the bushFarm Online

Jacqui Herrmann is upbeat about the future for her children's education. "From a parent's perspective, we think it's a great opportunity," she said.

Loving Leeton life with Jacqui HerrmannThe Irrigator

— Jacqui Herrmann recalls how her love for Leeton started just over 21 years ago.
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