James Zhang Person-Info 

( Ich bin James Zhang)


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JAMES ZHANG, University of WashingtonCanadian Mathematical Society

JAMES ZHANG, University of Washington. Pivotal Automorphisms. Pivotal automorphisms of an algebra will be introduced and be calculated for the polynomial ...

Kettering University will have a new senior vice president, provost...

James Zhang was recently appointed as the university's new senior vice president for academic affairs and provost to replace Robert Simpson, who announced his...

China's private refiners hire new executives for Singapore desks |...

· Hengli Petrochemical International Pte Ltd, the trading unit for Hengli Petrochemical Co. Ltd, hired James Zhang, formerly Head of Energy, Asia, ...

Sunvalley Solar Awarded 297KW New Solar Installation Contract

... and will continuously demonstrate our commitment to customers by providing the best solar energy solutions," said James Zhang, CEO of Sunvalley Solar, Inc.
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