Jane Brand und Lorna Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jane Brand)
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Queensland mother sues Lorna Jane brand - Yahoo7 News

A Queensland mother has launched legal action against fitness clothing giant, Lorna Jane, over ...

Lorna Jane Breakfast Crumble Recipe | Teen Vogue

Get ready to meet your new favorite breakfast — Lorna Jane's Breakfast Crumble.

Fake Lorna Jane representative luring women to send photos

"Unfortunately this person has preyed upon young women, knowing how much they trust the Lorna Jane brand, and taken advantage of them for the purpose of gathering photos for his own personal use," she said. "He's obviously going across Australia and I'd hate to think how many other girls he's ...

Lorna Jane reveals she considered closing down activewear empire

Lorna Jane Clarkson, the founder of activewear giant Lorna Jane, has revealed she considered closing down h...