Jane Jacobs und Urban Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jane Jacobs)
(1 - 37 von 98

Did Jane Jacobs’ critics have a point after all? | The Star

Jacobs’ book revolutionized urban planning when it was first published. Fifty years later, does it stand the test of time?

Guardian: How Jane Jacobs changed the way we look at cities | Saskia Sassen |...

When I first encountered this doyenne of urban activism, she offered one of the sharpest critiques I’d ever heard. Jane Jacobs was relentless, and stood up to...

'What's Missing Here?' Revisiting Jane Jacobs' Plan for a Better City...

The legendary author and activist Jane Jacobs said during a WNYC broadcast that urban planning shouldn't start with 'What's ...

Jane Jacobs Defends Urbanism in 1960s New York City Planning | WNYC |...

Jane Jacobs explains her role as a community leader in the fight against what she views as the excesses and ...
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