Janette Fernandez Person-Info 

( Ich bin Janette Fernandez)


Karina Janette Fernandez appointed business school’s assistant...

Karina Janette Fernandez has become the assistant director of human resources for the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU) . She holds a Master of Arts in human resources management from Webster University and has extensive experience, thanks in part to her work ...

DUI Arrests - Los Angeles Times

Editor's note: These people have been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxicant.

...bringing out the extraordinary in every child O C T O B E R

chronicle What's Happening with you?! Cougar Chronicle, our school newspaper - published by our elementary mastery under the editorial eyes of Janette Fernandez - is interested in what's happening in our lives in and out of school. If you have items of interest - including new additions to our school family - please contact.

LA’s Eat Drink Vegan Festival Heads to London  | VegNews

This year’s Vevolution festival in London, UK will include an Eat Drink Vegan stage featuring the best of the Los Angeles vegan food scene.
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