Janice Purdie Person-Info 

( Ich bin Janice Purdie)


(1 - 4 von 7

Benefit fraud team recovers £5m in Spain - Euro Weekly News

benefit fraud team in spain is recovering a record £5m of taxpayers’ money

Jailed benefits cheat had holiday home in Spain | The Argus

A BENEFIT cheat who sold a second property in London to buy a holiday home in Spain has been jailed for a year.

Benefits cheat jailed for claiming over £134k despite buying a...

A BENEFITS cheat who claimed a shocking £134, despite buying a holiday home in Spain - has been jailed.

Expat benefits cheats cost Britain £82million

Thousands of Britons abroad have been fiddling the benefits system, and some have been traced and investigated as far afield as Christmas Island and Bhutan
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George Ruff
Vorname "Janice" (2888)
Name "Purdie" (29)
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