Janine Zappini Person-Info 

( Ich bin Janine Zappini)


Inside the million-dollar entrepreneurs club - Worldnews.com

It's one of Australia's most exclusive clubs but anyone has the potential to join. You just need to start up a business and get it to

How Healthy Is Your 'Healthy' Snack Bar?

Not all ‘healthy’ snacks are as healthy as they are made out to be, especially in the case of the average snack bar. Feeling confused in the snack bar aisle at...

A Simple Food (And Business) Philosophy

· Last week we sat down with our friends Janine Zappini-Rosa and Sebastian Rosa from Simply Raw (the master minds behind the delicious raw ...

Gutsii chocolate bars bring a funky health kick into the snacking...

Established in in Australia, Gutsii offers simple and functional food products that ‘heal and nourish the body’
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Vorname "Janine" (15340)
Name "Zappini" (17)
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