Janko Hofmann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Janko Hofmann)



AP — A project devised by German student Janko Hofmann, it uses a mixture of PC software and an Arduino. When connected to the PC, the PEO's AP — A project devised by German student Janko Hofmann, it uses a mixture of PC software and an Arduino. When connected to the PC, the PEO's ...

Web Development recently got a whole lot easier (and you ...

Janko Hofmann, Medium. A lot of things that required hacks, workaround and custom code are now supported natively in all major browsers. We take a look at ... › trending-news

Programming With The Kinect For Windows Software Development Kit: Add...

1 Programming With The Kinect For Windows Software Development Kit: Add Gesture And Posture Recognition To Your Applicat...


— Preis der Six Engineers GmbH Rudolstadt ; Luzie Zipprodt. RV Großkochberg e.V. ; Janko Hofmann. RV Großkochberg e.V..
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