Jaqueline Bohn und Donada Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jaqueline Bohn)
(1 - 48 von 82

Brazilian visitor pays tribute to Nuneaton authorCoventry Telegraph

— Jaqueline Bohn Donada recently completed a PhD thesis on the novel Romola and took the opportunity to accept an invitation from the George ...

Why Brazilians Are Always LateThe Youth Times

— “Turning up on time to a party would be awkward anywhere in the country, but especially so in Rio,” explained Dr Jaqueline Bohn Donada, ...

Vėluojantys brazilai didžiausiu įžeidimu laiko tai, kas europiečiams ...www.lrytas.lt › pasaulis › Rytai-Vakarai

— ... jo pradžios laiku yra keista, ypač Rio de Žaneire, – pasakojo Paranos universiteto literatūros profesorė Jaqueline Bohn Donada.