Jasmin Stork und Amber Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jasmin Stork)
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Katze Amber lernt neuen Trick – und flutet das ganze Haus

— Wie bekommt man am schnellsten einen Wasserschaden? Klar! Einfach eine Katze anschaffen. Bei Jasmin Stork aus Yorkshire hat das nämlich ... › cms › katze-amber-lernt-neuen-trick-...

Bengal cat Amber floods owner’s UK home after learning to use sink |...

— UK woman Jasmin Stork's home was left wrecked after it was flooded by her boyfriend Robbie's one-year-old Bengal cat Amber when she left the ... › an...

fox 8 news stork report today

The cat, Amber, had learned how to turn the sink on the week prior, it's owner Jasmin Stork, 26, told Kennedy News and Media outlet.

CAT-ASTROPHE: Feline learns to plug owner’s sink, ends up flooding...

— According to Kennedy News and Media, Jasmin Stork's cat, Amber, had recently learned how to turn on the sink tap in the bathroom. › world › c...