Jasper Yang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jasper Yang)


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Men's Soccer Completes Comeback at Grinnell - Knox College Athletics

An exciting men's soccer game held between the Grinnell Pioneers and the Knox College Prairie Fire resulted in a close 3-2 victory for Knox.

Buc Men Fall to Grinnell - Beloit College Athletics

— The free kick bent toward the back post and the Pioneers' Jasper Yang dove for the header inside the far post for a 1-0 lead at 8:50. › ...

Meet some of the athletes from our upcoming class!

— Jasper Yang. Grinnell College (NCAA DIII). Jasper played four years of soccer at Grinnell College, earning multiple honors during his ... › ...

MEN ON THE BRINK WITH ONE GAME TO PLAY - Monmouth College Athletics

Monmouth stayed on the brink of the Midwest Conference tournament after Saturday's 1-0 loss at Grinnell.
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