Javier Murrieta Person-Info 

( Ich bin Javier Murrieta)


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2010 | International J/24 Class Association

Fourth to Jorge Javier Murrieta on Vive México. First Mexican. Mike Ingaham on blue Demon 5th place. USA. Very good. Leif Tom Loose on Rotoman, 6th.

Eric David Slayde Murrieta – Western Kansas News

Eric David Slayde Murrieta was born on August 13, to the Javier Murrieta and Kierstyn Mesa at Southwest Medical Center in Liberal, ...

Rijosos encerrados en las celdas | VERACRUZNEWS

Al trasladarse los uniformados hasta el lugar mencionado se encontraron con una persona que dijo llamarse Francisco Javier Murrieta Ortega ...

Whittier’s Maybrook Avenue residents want ficus trees to fall –...

“The trees are detracting to the value of the homes in the neighborhood,” Javier Murrieta, who has lived there for 20 years, told the council last ...
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Vorname "Javier" (4045)
Name "Murrieta" (20)
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