Javier V. Vera Person-Info 

( Ich bin Javier V. Vera)


(1 - 4 von 11

VACO Los Angeles Expands Staff With Addition of Javier Vera as...

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 6, PRNewswire/ -- VACO Los Angeles LLC (VACO), a leading consulting and staffing firm for accounting, finance ...

Carom Billiard Javier Vera (50) the sensation from Mexico 3-Cushion -...

SANTA CRUZ - The 50-year-old Mexican Javier Vera is the king of three cushion in his country for the last seven years. At the World ...

Carom Billiard Javier Vera takes the Mexican title General - Kozoom...

MEXICO CITY - The Mexican player Javier Vera has taken the Mexican three-cushion title in his country for the fourth consecutive time.

Billar Carambola Javier Vera ganó el título mexicano - Noticias...

El jugador mexicano Javier Vera ha logrado el título de tres bandas de México por cuarta ocasión consecutiva. Terminó en el campeonato, que ...
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