Jean Baur Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jean Baur)


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Robert Leventhal, CEO and UW business dean | The Seattle Times
Robert Leventhal, former CEO of Western Union and a dean of the University of Washington's School of Business Administration, died last Monday in Seattle.

Neujahrskonzert in der Marienkapelle – Mit Harfenklängen ins Neue Jahr
Ein besonderer musikalischer Genuss erwartet die Besucherinnen und Besucher im Rahmen der Konzertreihe „Klangwellen 714“ am Neujahrstag in der Marienkapelle in...

Book Talk with Jean Baur and Bella, a Therapy Dog | Newtown Bookshop
Jean Baur, former Yardley resident and author, will be sharing stories from her new book, "Joy Unleashed: The Story of Bella, the Unlikely ...

Jean Baur at the La Grua Center | Bank Square Books
Author Jean Baur will be at the La Grua Center at 6pm on November 8 to share her book, "The Essential Job Interview Handbook" as well as "Eliminated!
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