Jean Luis Lopez und Kathryn Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jean Luis Lopez)
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Kathryn Jean Lopez | New York Post
The Archive · Please, Gov. Cuomo — don't take away the Mass again · Pope Francis a phenomenon by preaching gospel of love · KEEPING THE FAITH · "BEING CATHOLIC NOW".

Kathryn Jean Lopez Gay Marriage - K-Lo And The Bishop
The festivities at the Supreme Court today apparently attracted a corporal's guard of no-hopers possessed of very few of the elements of what many of us would...

Kathryn Jean Lopez Knights of Columbus - A Knight Of Columbus Speaks...
Imagine my surprise to discover that the Knights of Columbus are still around. Imagine my non-surprise that Kathryn Jean Lopez, the Little Flower of National...

Kathryn Jean Lopez Archives - Our Sunday › byline › kathryn-jean-lopez
In her most recent column, Kathryn Jean Lopez writes about the fictional character of Mr. Blue, from a book titled “Mr. Blue” by Myles Connolly.