Jeanne Birdsall und Penderwicks In Spring Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jeanne Birdsall)
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Jeanne Birdsall, "The Penderwicks in Spring" and Susan Hill Long ...
Jeanne Birdsall is the National Book Award-winning author of The Penderwicks and its sequel, The Penderwicks on Gardam Street , both of which were also ...

Jeanne Birdsall, The Penderwicks in Spring | Porter Square Books
Jeanne Birdsall grew up in the suburbs west of Philadelphia, where she attended wonderful public schools. Jeanne had lots of great teachers, ...

Jeanne Birdsall, "The Penderwicks in Spring" | R.J. Julia ...
Jeanne Birdsall, "The Penderwicks in Spring". With over one million copies sold, this series of modern classics about the charming Penderwick family, from ...