Jeffrey Dean Morgan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jeffrey Dean Morgan)


(1 - 4 von 208

Nicht schon wieder! – Doppelgänger-Alarm in Hollywood
[] - Während bereits Look-a-like Zwillinge wie Amy Adams (36) und Isla Fisher (35) sogar zur selben Zeit schwanger waren, rätselt man auch beim Anblick von Jeffrey Dean Morgan (45) jedes Mal, ob es nicht doch Javier Bardem (42) ist, der auf den Bildern zu

Google News: Jeffrey Dean Morgan: Vášnivý malíř a čtenář, který toužil po kariéře basketbalisty

[ (Blog)] - Když se řekne Jeffrey Dean Morgan, málokdo ví, o koho se jedná. Pokud ale zmíníte jména Denny Duquette nebo John Winchester, každému hned dojde, o koho jde. Právě tito dva zmiňovaní patří k jeho nejznámějším rolím, jež ho vystřelily do povědomí

Google News: Venezia senza sorprese

[Il Sole 24 Ore] - Oltre al nostro Gipi, l'unica esordiente in cartellone è l'americana Ami Canaan Mann, che in Texas Killing Fields può contare su un cast niente male (tra gli altri Sam Worthington, Jeffrey Dean Morgan e Jessica Chastain). Infine non poteva mancare la

Jensen Ackles Reveals What Lies Ahead on Supernatural
[Student Operated Press] - Jensen Ackles: I would like to bring him back as much as anybody, but Jeff [Jeffrey Dean Morgan] is a big movie star now. Of course, I talk to him a lot and he is, "Man, I want to come back," but he is a little busy. What can you tell us about the
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