Jennifer Schmoldt und Executive Director Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jennifer Schmoldt)
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Manitowoc Painting Pathways Clubhouse unveils ...Herald Times Reporter
— “We so desperately needed the extra room,” said Painting Pathways Executive Director Jennifer Schmoldt. The clubhouse provides programming ...

Coroner: Suicides on the rise in Manitowoc
"The community could do a better job of raising health awareness by promoting and financially supporting preventative and recovery-based programs so that we can avoid costly crisis situations," said Jennifer Schmoldt, executive director of Painting Pathways. "We also can do a better job of reaching out to ...

Republican lawmakers propose bills to address mental health needs
· ... fundraising efforts and grants that we write," Painting Pathways Clubhouse Executive Director Jennifer Schmoldt said. Bill sponsor Rep.

Manitowoc Painting Pathways a 'family' for those with mental illness
“We truly are a gem in the community that people don't know about,” said Executive Director Jennifer Schmoldt. The clubhouse will be 10 years ...