Jennifer Sengpiel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jennifer Sengpiel)


Jennifer Sengpiel Named New Head of Enrollment
· Westminster is delighted to announce that beginning on April 1, Mrs. Jennifer Sengpiel will serve as our new head of enrollment and the newest member of the Senior Leadership Team. Jennifer graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University with bachelor’s degrees in fine arts and English. Before stepping out on her own in and founding Connective Branding and Marketing, a consulting firm that helps organizations reconnect with their brands to drive growth, Jennifer spent 15 years at ...

Preisverleihung zum Kunstwettbewerb "Welche Farbe hat
Preis für die Sekundarstufe II geht an Maria Wohland und Jennifer Sengpiel aus der 13. Klasse des Oberstufenzentrums Handel, für ihr Bild „Toleranz ist wie ...
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