Jeremy Basset und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jeremy Basset)
(1 - 22 von 23

I-COM Global Summit: I-COM Data Startup Challenge Emcee - Jeremy...
Jeremy Basset - Founder & CEO, CO:CUBED, UK was an Emcee for Data Startup Challenge & Jam Session Marketers. Share. Previous ...

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by Jeremy Basset, CEO, Co:Cubed Innovation. Description. From a long list of over 150+ innovative companies and start-ups, twenty retailers helped ECR ...

GSK, National Trust, Diageo and Pack’d announced for Five by Five’s...
The panel will be chaired by Jeremy Basset, ex-Head of Unilever Foundry and now CEO of Co:cubed, a startup innovation agency. The rest of ...

Inside Ecosystems: Corporate-Startup Partnering - › event › inside-ecosystems-corpora...
· In this informative session you will learn from Jeremy Basset, founder of Unilever Foundry and CEO of CO:CUBED, and Sruthi Kannan, Head, ...
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