Jesus Pires Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jesus Pires)


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Folha de S.Paulo - Mulher é achada morta em piscina
A dona-de-casa Lourdes de Jesus Pires, 64, foi encontrada morta anteontem, às 20h, na piscina de sua casa na rua Laiana, no Alto de ...

Timor-Leste exemplifies continued UN help in settling sea dispute › story ›
· Maria Helena Lopes de Jesus Pires, Chair of Delegation and Permanent Representative of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to the UN, ...

Czech Republic, Timor-Leste to Lead Process on UN Organs' Alignment...
Tracking the Implementation of the Agenda

Global Family Doctor - WONCA Online
Finally, this year's VdGM fund bursaries were awarded to Vera Cristina de Jesus Pires da Silva from Portugal and Yelena Khegay from Kazakhstan, supporting ...
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Person "Pires" (1)
Vorname "Jesus" (2740)
Name "Pires" (1379)
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