Jill Kelley und Paula Broadwell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jill Kelley)
(1 - 14 von 24

Petraeus-Affäre: Frauen oft im Weißen Haus - n-tv.de

Paula Broadwell und Jill Kelley: Durch die Affäre des ehemaligen CIA-Chefs Petraeus stehen sie im Mittelpunkt des Medieninteresses. Welche Rolle spielten sie...

Petraeus Affair: Who Is Jill Kelley? - ABC News

The Florida woman whose report of harassing emails from Paula Broadwell ultimately led to the resignation of CIA director Gen. David Petraeus may be a

Guardian: Jill Kelley breaks silence to say Petraeus scandal was like 'living a...

Woman allegedly targeted by Paula Broadwell says she felt threatened after emails accusing her of affair with Petraeus

David Petraeus affair: Paula Broadwell's 'love rival' Jill Kelley...

The woman who triggered the FBI investigation into General David Petraeus’s extramarital affair after she was allegedly sent a string of harassing emails by...