Jim O'Neill und China Person-Info 

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Potencjał BRIC

[Interia] - Jako pierwszy takiego skojarzenia dokonał brytyjski ekonomista Jim O'Neill. Mowa o Brazylii, Rosji, Indiach i Chinach. Łącznie w tych czterech krajach

Google News: Europe, Don't Waste a Good Crisis: Jim O'Neill

[CNBC] - Jim O'Neill, the Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management said that the super cycle story that is China and India is so appealing he could hardly bring

BRIC-Erfinder schaut sich um: Jetzt kommen die MINTs - n-tv.de

Der Mann, der das Akronym BRIC erfunden und so Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China ungeheure Popularität in der Investmentwelt verschafft hat, hat neue...

Spiegel.de: Economy Slows in BRICS Countries as Worries Mount - DER SPIEGEL

Until recently, investors viewed China, Brazil and India as a sure thing. Lately, though, their economies have shown signs of weakness and money has begun...